HP700/RX X Terminal Software
For the last weeks I was going through my old hardware (I keep a whole museum in my basement, and I go through it to see what still works every decade or so :). When I tried out my HP 700/RX 19Ca X Window System terminal (with a whopping 8MB of extended memory, in addition to the 2MB internal RAM, and 2MB of video framebuffer), I was overjoyed to find an old AUI transceiver, my HIL keyboard and mouse (from an HP 735) and the boot files, still on my local tftp
server, so it booted quite fine:

The terminal fully booted, running the local VUE/RX manager. Yay, I feel right at home.
Thinking about being lucky enough to have the files still on my tftp
server, I googled a bit, and found that most if not all links to the software have fallen off the internet, or are for newer versions than my terminal.
So I decided to publish a dump of my files.
The tar unpacks into a directory called 700X, and this directory is what the terminal typically wants as /tftpboot/700X or /usr/lib/X11/700X - check the error messages from your tftp
server to find where it wants those files. Oh, and you can configure the terminal by pressing F12
before it boots, or holding F12
after it boots.
If you have such a terminal I assume you know how to configure XDMCP, TFTP and so on. If you have one and run into trouble you can't solve, you can contact me.
What follows is a boring dump of some selected files, so you (and search engines) can see what you get. The archive has 2776 entries.
bin/X11R4/dkmserver bin/C3264A bin/flashcpimg bin/X11R4/flashcpimg bin/C3265A bin/format bin/X11R4/format bin/DEC_XTrap bin/hpterm bin/X11R4/hpterm bin/Floppy bin/modules.700rx bin/X11R4/mwm bin/KBidext bin/modules.ld bin/X11R4/twm bin/Log2File bin/mwm bin/X11R4/vt320 bin/Makemap bin/popupd bin/X11R4/vuerx bin/Mbuf bin/twm bin/X11R4/vuewm bin/Mpeg bin/vt320 bin/X11R4/xclock bin/NFSServer bin/vuerx bin/X11R4/xterm bin/PPP bin/vuewm bin/Aserver bin/SXext bin/whiteboard bin/C2700A bin/ScanServer bin/xclock bin/C2708A bin/SharedX bin/xflash bin/C2730A bin/Snmpd bin/xflash.hlp bin/C2730ATR bin/SnmpdV2 bin/xlock bin/C2730AVG bin/Sync bin/xterm bin/C2731A bin/Telnet bin/xtkeymap_DB bin/C2731ATR bin/Video_Play bin/xtouch.at bin/C2731AVG bin/XEntria bin/xtouch.it bin/C3230A bin/XEntriaM bin/xtouch.mt bin/C3231A bin/XEnvizex bin/xtouchCfg bin/C3233A bin/XHILKeymaps doc/READ.ME bin/C3234A bin/XIdle doc/TECHREF6.LJ.Z bin/C3236A bin/XPS2Keymaps doc/TECHREF6.PS.Z bin/C3253A bin/XTest doc/TECHREF7.LJ.Z bin/C3253ATR bin/XTouch doc/TECHREF7.PS.Z bin/C3253AVG bin/Xie doc/Touch.ps bin/C3262A bin/dkmserver doc/xtkeymap_ed.doc bin/C3263A bin/dtwmlite
Update 2019-05-10: Links!
Exciting times for 700/RX users: Anders Gavare is reverse engineering the ROM and is experimenting with, someday, maybe, having a development environment for it, so you could write your own software for these boxes.
You can find some more info on his webpage on the 700/RX. He is also apparently working on supporting the 700/RX in his gxemul
emulator, can already run a "Hellow, World!" program and is quite far in reverse engineering the executable format, memory map, and more.